That’s allowing millions to get an education online. There has never been a better time to get a degree. Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license Chandler Each application hasĮasy instructions, and can usually be filled online The cities: Privilege Sales and/or/ Use Tax and the There are typically two types of licenses through Most city websites have a link to Business LicensingĪs well as useful guides to starting your business. A business license is also commonlyĬalled a Privilege Sales and Use Tax on the city level. The localĬity websites are a helpful tool to use when obtainingĪ business license. Requirements or restrictions they may have. Your business will be based to learn of any local To check with each incorporated city/town in which Liquor, Pet Grooming, Pawnbrokers, etc.). Local licensing may be required by city, town orĬounty (examples may be alarm businesses, amusements, What business licenses are required by my city or (i.e.,Ĭave Creek’s has a fee of $20, where the city of Sedona The fee for your license through the state will varyĭepending on the city or cities you are doing business (602) 542-4576 or (800) 634-6494 What information will be asked to obtainĮvery form is a little different, however on theĪrizona Joint Tax Application you can expect the following Withholding or use Tax (Department of Revenue), call Services! For licensing questions on Transaction Privilege, You can also designate users to access these If you register online at you can have online access to your account information,įile and pay Arizona transaction, use and withholding License and Regulations Section, Department of Revenue
#How to obtain a small business license in arizna download
or download a copy of the application and mail to: You can easily register your business by applyingįor your license in Arizona online at. Go to the website of the Arizona Commerce Authority at to find out more.
Information on business activity requirements mayīe found on the agency web sites under such termsĪs : Licensing, Permits, Certifications, ApplicationsĪnd/or Forms. Most of the links will take you directly to the applicableĪgency's home page. Which agency is correct for you, you may wish to search the Guide to Taxes for Arizona Businesses. Licensing, certification, or permits for businessĪctivity conducted in Arizona.
Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) (for professional/specialĪctivities), and/or business/occupational licensing.įirst you should find the agency that may require Your business activity may be subject to Regulatory What Arizona state business licenses do I Of Arizona, as well as from your county or city where Licenses that you may need to obtain from the state On the type of business activity that you will beĭoing with your new business. In Arizona not all businesses need a license and